We know you will love Mindful Effect as much as we do. We put so much time and effort into Mindful Effect, our products, and our wonderful clients whose lives are changed and transformed. But don’t take our word for it, just ask our clients! Take a look below and read their success stories. We are truly honored to serve and help so many people around the world and celebrate their successes!
I haven’t done anything like this before. It’s wonderful. I now have enjoyment in my life again.
Dr. Lindh has such passion for this subject and is very knowledgeable!
The feedback we received from the conference attendees was very positive. Thank you once again for helping to make our conference a huge success!
This program was very important. It gave me the confidence and tools for being a better mom and for bonding with my child.
I am more organized, and have a renewal in the other things I do.
These courses have helped me to develop the skills to let things go and get a perspective of what’s going on around me as well as with myself.
Everyday has its challenges and sometimes I still get “hooked” but much less than before.
These courses apply to where you are at in this moment of your life!
Dr. Lindh is excellent! She’s engaging and interesting!
Dr. Lindh has such passion for this subject and is very knowledgeable!
Excellent examples, life stories and experiences!
I really liked these courses. They helped me move from one task to another; I’m more productive and focused.
When things come up and stress builds, I rely on these skills; I use them every day.
I take medication to deal with stress and I never did anything like this before. This program is a good way to reduce stress without taking medication and this calms my anxiety. I feel like I have a better grasp of my day and I’m more excited because I’m more prepared. This program has really helped me. Thank you.
I am able to disconnect from work when at home and disconnect from home when at work.
I’ve been looking for a natural way to calm myself down and I use this every morning to ease into the day.
I haven’t done anything like this before. It’s wonderful. I now have enjoyment in my life again.
Today I had been busy coordinating things and my heart rate and breathing were elevated. I felt tension in my temples and chest. Thinking about the things I had to do today were stressful. I used the techniques and now my stress feels lowered, the tension in my head appears to be missing and I feel more mentally aware
I was stressed right from the moment I walked into work today. I was rushed getting to work and had a meeting first thing. I used the techniques and now, I feel more relaxed.
My staff began to show classic signs of stress this year as we rushed to meet launch dates and respond to new customers. With a lean staff to begin with, we just couldn’t afford unexpected down time.A friend of mine suggested I try a program called Practical Mindfulness to increase people’s resilience. It worked. The techniques were useful while driving, in meetings, and pretty much anywhere.
The energy level is back to upbeat chaotic and, as a side effect of the training, conversations have become much more open and productive. Work life balance is a great goal, but for us it was more realistic to get balance within (not between) work and life.
I have an understanding of my hooks and triggers; I’m aware of my reactions and move to a better response.
I have an understanding of my hooks and triggers; I’m aware of my reactions and move to a better response.
This program was very important. It gave me the confidence and tools for being a better mom and for bonding with my child.
This is a mental skill. I learned I can function on a regular basis and I’ve applied these skills to every aspect of my life. And the areas I’ve sucked at, I’ve had a significant difference.
I have the ability to become present day to day, be more aware, and use my skills even with a fast paced schedule.
This program has been very important. I learned many useful techniques to help me relax, focus, think positive, be aware of my physical state, and enjoy and be aware of the moment.
Discovering self and things around me is an important piece of my life and I believe this program helps me to be equipped in the these capabilities of self-awareness and awareness around us.
This program is for ME! So, very important to me! I enjoy everything that I’m doing. I don’t stress myself where thing are not in control. I’m thankful for what I have.
This program was important to me in that it helps me to observe the changes of my emotions, to be clearer with what I was thinking and what I was doing.
I now enjoy driving. Driving used to be so stressful for me, especially in the winter. I don’t get stressed out anymore.
I got so stressed out and I knew I needed some help. I wanted to change but didn’t know how to do this. I’d worry, put pressure on myself, and I just wanted a piece of mind. Now, I’m able to live moment to moment, value myself personally, value my family, appreciate work, appreciate working with others, and appreciate my own work.
The first week a light bulb went off – this is so simple yet so important
This course was very important as it has changed my perspective on living and experiencing life day to day.
Life is not a chore anymore which means a lot more enjoyment and enjoyment of our lives.
I think this is a great program. Companies would be lucky to have you.
I am less anxious when dealing with situations that in the past made me nervous.
I use this to talk to my daughter. I feel like we communicate better.
I’m able to disconnect from the office and work when I’m at home and when I’m at work, I can just focus on work.
There was no elephant in the room. I learned how to normalize emotions, perceptions, and everything we use is interestin
I used these tools and learned the skills on how to calm down.
We are now more self-aware, calmer, and can control the “weather of our family.”
This program is awesome!
This program is a 10!
From this course, I am more aware of myself, more focused and I can concentrate of activities.
When talking with my wife, I am more present and take the moment to be more present.
I’m able to let things go more. Before I’d just react and get stressed out.
I love your courses!
Most say they don’t have time but it’s a matter of making this a priority.
Before I had no focus, no concentration; everything was a mere activity. Now, everything is like laser focus because of Mindful Effect.
I am definitely more aware. Thank you!
I love how this had an impact on my personal life too; there’s more and better communication at home.
I am more aware of my state of mind. I now have an improved performance at work and I have more focus and concentration.
I can cope with stress in general. I’ve found ways to relax, reduce stress, and be happier.
I use these techniques to help clear my head; I’m not anxious anymore.
These techniques help to reduce the pressure and increase my calm. There’s a positive effect.
Stress stuff effects everyone; at work and at home. I’m able to use this technique when I get stressed or I feel panicked. This is really effective and really good.
I looked forward to doing this every day. The techniques are very practical.
This was huge! The changes at home are incredible!
Dr. Lindh is very engaging, good energy and practical application oriented.
I can calm down my mind and have more everyday enjoyment.
Everything is go-go-go. With an increased awareness I’m able to do everyday tasks, slow down a bit, and get into a zone.
People are so busy these days and I have an increased appreciation of everything. This program is very useful and pleasant. I looked forward to each session.
I now enjoy driving. Driving used to be so stressful for me, especially in the winter. I don’t get stressed out anymore.
When I need the extra drive, I can now stop and focus. This helps to cut out the things that are not as important and re-focus on the things that are important.
Sometimes my body feels cold when I feel overwhelmed. After using this I am a lot more relaxed, feel warm, energized and refilled.
This is a natural way to cope with stress which is really wonderful.
I’ve been telling everyone that something like this exists and they should try it.
With the stress of the holidays, my stress levels feels maxed out. I now feel like I’m in a safe zone and that really takes the stress levels down.
I feel a sense of peace. I know I will have stressful situations in my day, and I’m not stressed out.
I feel positive happy and excited about new things happening in my life.
This has been a very busy week. I like doing these exercises because I feel I can take some calm and clarity with me for the rest of the day.
I have a lot of responsibilities and I feel like a bit more ready to do all of that with the Mindful Effect exercises.
After using these exercises I have more peace and clarity. Thank you for helping me find a solace in a very important transitional time.
These exercises feel energizing and I’m ready for my busy day!
Practical mindfulness leads to better communication at work with my co-workers
and making better decisions on how to approach projects. I`m able to have a better focus on tasks and my work.
I can keep my focus and attention regardless of personal or professional distractions.
Our team is much happier, our communication is improved and our collaboration improved too!
Thank you! I really enjoyed it!
I can shift gears and still keep my focus!
Everyone is much happier!
The feedback we received from the conference attendees was very positive. Thank you once again for helping to make our conference a huge success!
Great information and energy! This is a peace of mind workshop. It felt like a good conversation instead of an academic seminar.
Very awesome workshop and presenter! Dr. Lindh has a great personality and is easy to listen to and follow. I went away with a lot of helpful information.
Great workshop! This will benefit me, my workplace, and my co-workers.
Amazing! Loved the whole workshop!
Great information and workshop!
The workshop was clear, thoughtful, and well stated techniques that were easy to comprehend and digest.
Great techniques to use in the workplace and personally.
This is the best of the workshops I went to!
I wish the workshop could have been longer than a 1/2 day – bring her back for the whole company!
Very useful. I will be using the techniques she taught. Thanks for getting her.
Wonderful workshop! Bring her back for 2016!
This is now used in my daily life.
These skills help me calm down my mind.
Dr. Lindh is very approachable!
Dr. Lindh is a wonderful speaker!
A great teacher!
Dr. Lindh is friendly and easy to understand!
I enjoyed Dr. Lindh’s enthusiasm!
Thank you for bringing these courses to me!
These courses are a beautiful and wonderful thing!
These courses are helpful tools. I now say to myself, “Oh, this is when I really need this and just do it.” The results are immediate.
I moved from judging myself with using words like “good” and “bad” to the awareness of “it is” and understanding my triggers.
It was wonderful working with you! I love your energy and thank you for helping me!
These courses are very empowering! I got a nudge in the right direction!
These tools helped me develop the skill to be aware of my reactions. To move from reaction and response.
I now ask different questions. In the past when I’d be stressed out, I’d react. Now I ask questions to understand and communicate better.
I have a deeper understanding of everything; myself, my relationship, and life.
The biggest challenge is discipline. To not go back to that old place and be on auto-pilot. I keep this in the forefront every day and I’ve noticed a positive difference.
I now look forward to each day. I focus on what I can control and my contributions.
At first I thought, “yeah, this isn’t for me.” Then I got really curious on if it could. And it’s made a major impact on my life.
I’ve always tried being aware but this is different. This helped me refocus on what I really want from life, what I want to accomplish, and to not be distracted.
I apply my skills to every area of my life, where I’m not good at and it’s had a significant difference.
I now have the ability to find and re-find my center, re-focus and let go of stress faster than before
This course is very thorough, insightful, easy to understand!
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