I was once lost, and now I am found.  Each time we experience awareness we become awaken. We were once blind, and now we see. We experience a resurrection of sorts.  We bow our heads with humility and grace, knowing that we forgive ourselves for being less than perfect.  While we strive to succeed through grit, determination, and purpose….To make this day of life one more fulfilled with kindness, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Some may want to circle thoughts back to shame.  Regret.  Wonder “why it took so long for this awareness” to become present.  My friends, don’t look back with regret or shame.  Wonder, yes, and wonder with curiosity the present day and if we wake again the days ahead.

We remember the pain.  We remember the hurt. We use its energy fuel and propel us forward.  In wonder, you may ask, “How many more awakenings and awakened moments will I experience in a lifetime?” That’s a profound question.  I hope many because the day we cease to become aware and awakened, is as Quinn states is “living death.” Be grateful those moments happen because some never have them happen. Now go out and make this day count because it does!

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