![Just Because Most Don't Make It Doesn't Mean YOU Can't!](https://drdeblindh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Justbecausemostdontmakeit.jpg)
Just Because Most Don’t Make It Doesn’t Mean YOU Can’t! @GrantCardone
New Year’s Day. Another year. Another set of resolutions. Another attempt to “get it right” this year! Yeah, this year is going to be THE year! But will it? For many, every year starts the same…the intention to do “it” this year. Whatever “it” is…lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, eat healthier, find a new job, finish the degree, fall in love, spend less/save more…the endless list of “it.” Then, we are hit with the information that says we’re set up to fail before we even start! According to Statistic Brain, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution. Yes, you read that right…8 (freaking) percent! Forbes confirms this stat. Psychology Today does too. And almost 50% of resolutions made fall into the category of Self Improvement or Education. Does this mean that we fail ourselves? Does this mean people don’t value themselves enough to succeed? Does this mean that our habits truly take over our brain and control our actions regardless of our intention?
Think about it. What prevents you from achieving a resolution? What prevents you from on December 31st rocking out the New Year shouting, “I DID IT!”
What prevents us from being able to reach success???
Okay, before everyone starts thinking and feeling all doom and gloom…there is hope. Keep in mind that we hear of success stories every year. The Cinderella. The Underdog. The Long Shot. Whatever you call it, these are average people doing the impossible. Well, impossible by statistics. Like Gladwell’s book Outliers, we all can be an outlier. Yes, you and I can defy statistics. We can basically screw up those stats and stump the scientist, professor, guru of all things resolution. I think that sounds pretty cool – to defy statistics, be an outlier, and succeed in reaching our goal!
How can I learn what to do? Where can I find support, help, and a system to do this? To Start Strong and defy statistics? This week’s chat is THE place to be because we’re going to share and discuss the stuff you need to know and use to do exactly this! Come prepared with your questions, challenges, and objections…bring it on! Because by the end of the Radio Show and Twitter Chat, you’ll be equipped to Start Strong! Remember…get settled a few minutes before; get your notepad/paper and pen, coffee/tea/water, use the restroom…you’ll want to be there for the full hour, to take notes, listen, learn, and Start 2019 Strong!
Think Great. Be Do Great. Be Great! – Dr. Deb
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