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The Blog is the muse for the written word.

We meet people from all walks of life, with different education, backgrounds, and careers. Recently, Dr. Deb met with a person who is recently divorced after 50 years of marriage. Throughout the years he relied [...]

Start Strong New Year!

Just Because Most Don't Make It Doesn't Mean YOU Can't! @GrantCardone New Year’s Day.  Another year.  Another set of resolutions.  Another attempt to “get it right” this year!  Yeah, this year is going [...]

Mindfulness, Myths, and More!

I will admit that seeing the title of Mindful Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Barry Boyce, recent email blast: 5 things people get wrong about mindfulness, an immediate thought came to mind, “Yeah, I can think of more [...]

A Child’s Wisdom

Kids. We can learn a lot from kids.  Sometimes kids are our teachers.  As adults, if we listen...truly listen, talk, ask questions...we find that yes, indeed they are the ones who are wise. This pix [...]

Survivor 2 Warrior: Part 3

Happy 4th of July, Everyone! I know today is tough for a lot of people and as the day goes on it’ll get tougher. I’m living proof that yes, you can get your life back, [...]

Survivor 2 Warrior: Part 2

2 of 3 Video Series: Survivor to Warrior Dr. Deb Lindh Transform Stress into Something Valuable – Post-Stress Growth, Grow Resilience, Happiness and Peace from the Pain, Hurt, Fear, Disappointment, Frustrations, Being and Feeling Stuck, [...]

Survivor to Warrior: Why

1 of 3 Video Series: Survivor to Warrior (including the Why Game Questions...which is located at the end of the blog) Dr. Deb Lindh Transform Stress into Something Valuable - Post-Stress Growth, Grow Resilience, Happiness [...]

The Messy Meaning of Mindfulness

Mindfulness. The word is getting attention.  The meaning of the word is getting attention.  Take Mindful Magazine’s recent response to New York Times’ “The Muddied Meaning of Mindfulness.” I read both articles.  I will admit [...]

Mindful Dressing…and We’re not Talking about the Turkey

Photo courtesy of411 Top Floor When building and running a successful business helping people increase happiness, mindfulness, and reducing stress one thing has become crystal clear: People want to feel good about themselves and people [...]

Mindful Listening

Through mindfulness I am a better listener.  I don’t mean some kind of Zen-like hear the sounds of waves, the rumbling of my stomach pre-lunch, or what the air feels like against my ears.  I [...]

Mindful Change

Change.  Change is constant yet people resist change.  There are many reasons why people resist change; everything from it’s too different from what is ‘normal’ to being forced to change. Though this is true reality, [...]

Corporate Policies Gone Bad

Corporate policies. Every company has them, every leadership team develops them.  Once developed, employees are spoon-fed and even become cheerleaders of their company’s policies.  Employees take pride in memorizing and knowing by heart these policies! [...]

Mindful Parenting

                        As parents, we are busy.  We are busy working, busy taking care of our families, busy with our kid’s activities, busy caring for [...]

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